HJIS School Reopening Plan (2nd Semester)

Good day HJIS Community, 

First and foremost, I hope you all have had a well-deserved, relaxing holiday and happy new year. 

We are happy to welcome students back on Tuesday, January 12th, although we are all aware that COVID continues to be a serious issue all over the world. Our hearts go out to the families who have been affected by this dreadful virus.

Please kindly review this email regarding our second semester reopening plan. 

As many of you are aware, on Thursday, January 7, 2021, Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide released Japan’s second, less restrictive, state of emergency for Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba prefectures. Thank you to all CMT members and our nurse, Ms. Takeuchi for synthesizing government recommendations. 

Under this declaration (in general):

  • Duration of state of emergency (January 8 – February 7) 
  • Residents should restrain from “non-essential” excursions after 8:00 PM
  • All drinking and dining establishments will be asked to close by 8:00 PM
  • Companies have been asked to have 70% or more of their staff to work from home
  • Continue to practice social distancing and mitigation measures as much as possible

Specifically in relation to education:

  • Schools will remain open – leaving the authority to prefectural governors to close high schools if they deem it necessary in the future
  • Schools should limit after school activities, cancel games or events with other schools

Naturally, this news has been met with a mix of emotions and opinions. Our team has met with all programme coordinators, several teachers, the parent/teacher association, and school board to make the best decision for our school community. Accordingly, HJIS will follow the recommendations put forward by the government and its medical and educational experts to reopen our doors to students this Tuesday, January 12 (as scheduled). 

Details include (much of what we’ve been doing from the beginning of the year):

  • Continued health checks upon entrance (temperature taken and hand sanitizer provided)
  • To avoid crowding at the entrance, students will be allowed to enter the building and head to their homerooms immediately upon arrival, rather than waiting out front
    • Parents, please do not gather at the entrance after dropping off or picking up your child(ren) – you will be kindly asked to leave after drop off 
    • Please abide by the social distancing cones outside of our school
  • Hybrid learning will still be available for any families who feel the need to keep their child(ren) at home, we only ask that you inform your students homeroom teacher(s) Friday the week prior to the scheduled at-home attendance (exception this week, please inform no later than Monday, January 11)
  • Students will be required to wear a mask at all times. This includes PE and recess; the colder weather provides little chance of heat exhaustion. 
  • All afterschool activities (ASP’s) and Field Trips are cancelled until the state of emergency is lifted
  • All students must be off campus by 3:10 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Recess space will be limited to only one grade level at a time, so that in the event of positive COVID-19 result, only said grade level will be sent into extended 2-week quarantine – while the rest of the student body will only stay home for the remainder of the week (for cleaning purposes)
  • Further adjustments will be made restricting students to mingle with ONLY children from their homeroom/grade level 
    • As our cafeteria is one of our most crowded and talkative areas, students will no longer be allowed to eat in the cafeteria and will have to eat in their homerooms – hot school lunch will still be available from Cezars Kitchen

Please note that both medical and educational authorities seem to be in agreement that schools should remain open. At HJIS, we will continue to be vigilant in upholding all logical mitigation measures; we ask that our families do the same. As a reminder, if you or another immediate family member has been exposed to COVID-19, please contact the Crisis Management Team ([email protected]) as soon as possible so that we may provide you with the next appropriate steps. We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a challenge, but we are looking forward to having your child(ren) back on campus and are committed to the educational and mental wellbeing of our students. 

Please know that we continue to prioritize the health and wellness of our entire school community.

If any changes are made to the state of emergency that may affect school operations, we will let you know as soon as possible.  

Wishing you all the best, 






緊急事態宣言について (全般): 

  • 1月8日 から2月7日までの期間
  • 8:00pm 以降、不要不急の外出を控える
  • レストランなど外食店の営業は8:00pm まで
  • 企業では70%以上の在宅勤務が推奨される
  • 可能な限りソーシャルディスタンスを保つ


  • 学校を継続して開く。将来的に必要と判断した場合には、高校を閉鎖する権限は都道府県知事に委ねられる。
  • 学校での部活動には制限を設け、他校との交流や行事は中止する。


本校の教育活動 詳細 (大半が昨年から続けている教育活動と類似しております):

  • 継続して、校舎入り口にてヘルスチェックを行う (検温と消毒をすること)
  • 校舎入り口での混雑を避けるため、生徒は入り口前で待機するのではなく、登校すると健康検査を行い、教室に素早く移動する。
    • 保護者の皆様、お子様を校舎前まで送る際は、人が集まることを避けたいので素早いご帰宅をお願い申し上げます。
    • 校舎前にあるソーシャルディスタンス用のコーンをご確認の上、距離を保つようお願いします。
  • ハイブリッド学習は、お子様を自宅で学習させる必要があると感じているご家庭にもご利用いただけますが、家庭学習予定日の前週の金曜日に担任の先生にお知らせください。(今週に関しては、1月11日、月曜日までにお知らせください。)
  • 全生徒、マスクを常時着用。体育や休み時間も同様に着用する。寒い季節のため熱中症などの可能性は低いと考えられる。
  • ASPと校外学習は、緊急事態宣言の解除までは中止とする。
  • いかなる理由があろうとも、全生徒 3:10pm までに下校する。
  • 休み時間は、一学年が一施設のみを利用するように制限することで、拡散の可能性を抑える。たとえCOVID-19の陽性反応が出たとしても、該当学年が二週間の隔離を、その他の学年が一週間の隔離をする。その間に一斉消毒を行う。
  • 生徒が自分のクラスや学年の生徒としか交流できないように、さらなる調整をする。
    • カフェテリアは最も混雑していて会話が多くなる場所の一つであるため、生徒はカフェテリアでの食事は禁止され、教室内で食事をとること。

なお、医療・教育関係者の間では、学校は開校したままでよいという意見が一致しているようです。HJISでは、すべての論理的な緩和策を継続して実施していきますので、ご家族の皆様にも同様の対応をお願いいたします。ご家族の皆様も同様に、COVID-19に感染された場合は、できるだけ早く危機管理チーム([email protected])までご連絡ください。COVID-19のパンデミックが引き続き課題であることは理解していますが、私たちは生徒が校舎に戻ってくることを楽しみにしており、生徒の学習、そして、精神的な健康を守ることに尽力してまいります。




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